British Values

British Values

At St Godric’s Catholic Primary School we will enable children to accept and engage with the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy – through the implementation of a school council with representation from EY to Year 6, Y6 ambassadors, house captains, (all of these groups of children are elected by their fellow pupils) School Nutrition Action Group, Head Boy and Head Girl. Yearly pupil questionnaires. St Godric’s Catholic Primary School has been accredited with Investors in Children and Fair Trade School Status.
  • Rule of law – through the use of shared school and class rules, effective anti-bullying and behavior policy documents and reward systems which motivate the children.
  • Individual liberty – work to support projects around the world. Strong links with CAFOD, Fair Trade, Shanti Welfare School in India and Colombia. Role of Mini Vinnies – weekly visits to Lindisfarne Care Home.
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs – focus weeks on Islam and Judaism, in addition to gaining an insight into pupil’s own beliefs. Strong links with Parish of the Durham Martyrs and All Saints CE Church, Newton Hall.